Air, Atmosphere, Weather and Pollution
Air and Atmosphere and Natural Disasters. The elements of earth and man's interaction with them
The Earth's Furies - Avalanches
Anywhere on the planet where there is snow, no mountain is spared. Depending on the type of snow, the weather and the slope, an avalanche can reach incredible speeds: more than 300km per hour. A small avalanche can exert the same amount of pressure as a cyclone. Researchers and security experts h...
The Earth's Furies - Blizzards
Blizzards affect mankind every winter, across every continent. Combining ice cold temperatures, snow and extreme wind, this mother of all storms is a living hell that has the power to paralyse entire countries. From the prairies of Canada to Northern China, this episode explores the destructive a...
The Earth's Furies - Cyclones
Cyclones are the most powerful natural disasters on Earth. Many coastal regions live under the constant threat of these incredibly powerful surges of energy. Why are they becoming more common, widespread and powerful than ever before? This series focuses on the science behind natural catastrophes...
The Earth's Furies - Desertification
Every year we lose 12 million hectares due to desertifcation, causing millions of people to abandon their homes
The Earths Furies_ Earthquakes
With teams of experts tracking them all over the world, earthquakes are one of the most heavily-monitored natural phenomenons. Despite this, in places such as Haiti, Nepal and Italy, they continue to be devastating and deadly. But what causes this destructive force of nature and can we minimize d...
The Earth's Furies - Floods
Over the past 20 years, floods have caused more than 150,000 deaths globally. Global warming has made flooding one of the foremost challenges of the 21st century, leaving huge swathes of coastal areas vulnerable to devastation.
The Earth's Furies - Lightning
With new scientific knowledge, we know how electrical charges inside clouds are created, and new technology can monitor lightning moving through the sky. However, it can hit anything, anywhere, at any time…and it cannot be stopped. Nowhere is unaffected by this devastating and frightening natural...
The Earth's Furies - Mega Fires
Devastating forest fires rage across California, and enormous fires reach the doors of major European cities… But these gargantuan fires are often impossible to stop without rainfall. With every new dry season, these fires devour the world’s forests and increasingly threaten human lives and homes.
The Earth's Furies - Mudslides
Mudslides produced more fatal catastrophes in Sierra Leone, Switzerland and Colombia in 2017 alone. Scientists blame their rising severity on global warming combined with heavy rainfall.
The Earth's Furies - Tornadoes
The U.S. is affected by 1,200 tornadoes every year and this phenomenon is growing all over the world. With wind speeds inside their vortex reaching up to 500 km per hour and traveling at the speed of a high-speed train, tornadoes are capable of destroying everything in their path. But how do they...
The Earth's Furies - TSUNAMIS
The Earth's Furies - Volcanoes
Iceland, Indonesia, South America, the Reunion Island… The threat of volcanic eruptions never ceases to hound those who have chosen to live at the feet of volcanos on continents the world over.
THIN ICE Director's Cut (73 Mins)
In recent years climate science has come under increasing attack, so concerned geologist Simon Lamb grabbed his camera and set out to explore the inside story of climate research. For over three years he followed scientists from a wide range of disciplines at work in the Arctic, Antarctic, Southe...
THIN ICE The Inside Story of Climate Science (56 Mins)
In recent years climate science has come under increasing attack, so concerned geologist Simon Lamb grabbed his camera and set out to explore the inside story of climate research. For over three years he followed scientists from a wide range of disciplines at work in the Arctic, Antarctic, Southe...
Searching for the Gold Spot
SEARCHING FOR GOLD SPOT- The Wild After Wildfire is a film about the incredible comeback of life in forests after wildfire. The film follows teams of scientists and firefighters through the Sierra Nevada, the Cascades Mountains and beyond.
Many people believe that forests are destroyed after wil...