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The Earth's Furies - Mudslides
Air, Atmosphere, Weather and Pollution
Mudslides produced more fatal catastrophes in Sierra Leone, Switzerland and Colombia in 2017 alone. Scientists blame their rising severity on global warming combined with heavy rainfall.
Up Next in Air, Atmosphere, Weather and Pollution
The Earth's Furies - Tornadoes
The U.S. is affected by 1,200 tornadoes every year and this phenomenon is growing all over the world. With wind speeds inside their vortex reaching up to 500 km per hour and traveling at the speed of a high-speed train, tornadoes are capable of destroying everything in their path. But how do they...
The Earth's Furies - TSUNAMIS
The Earth's Furies - Volcanoes
Iceland, Indonesia, South America, the Reunion Island… The threat of volcanic eruptions never ceases to hound those who have chosen to live at the feet of volcanos on continents the world over.