WOLF TALE: Legend of the Spirit Bear
All Films in the Collection
WINTER: Mother Wolf tells of a time of eternal winter when all creatures were starving. When the Earth is filled with ice and snow, all the hungry animals ask the creator to bring back the seasons. Legend tells us that with the seasons, also came the "spirit," or Kermode Bear. Legends from Canada’s First Nations. From the series STORIES FROM THE SEVENTH FIRE.
12 Mins
Up Next in All Films in the Collection
Wolf Tale: Legend of the First Thanks...
Stories of the Seventh Fire
Wolf Tale: Legend of the First Thanksgiving – Mother Wolf tells her cubs a bedtime story about how the first Thanksgiving was created. (Inspired by a story from the Salish of the Pacific Coast)12 Mins
English -
TALES OF WESAKECHAK: The First Spring...
SPRING: A story about the power of friendship. Before there were people on Turtle Island (North America), the Creator put the shape-shifter Wesakechak on the earth to take care of all the creatures. This makes Machias, a bad spirit, very envious and angry. From the series STORIES FROM THE SEVENTH...
TALES OF WESAKECHAK: How Wesakechak G...
From "Stories of the Seventh Fire" - SUMMER
An animated legend from Canada’s First Nations based on the art by Norval Morriseau and the live action footage of wildlife filmographer, Albert Karvonen. This series outlines Native legends set in 4 seasons depicted in varied animated styles.